Duration: 94′ 36”
O ρωσόφωνος δημοσιογράφος και συγγραφέας Ιβάν Αβράμοφ, γεννημένος σε ένα χωριό της Αζοφικής, προσπαθεί να επιστρέψει στον κατακτημένο γενέθλιο τόπο του και στους ανθρώπους που κάποτε θεωρούσε δικούς του μέσα από τα θραύσματα της μνήμης και της ταυτότητάς του.
The Russian-speaking journalist and author Ivan Avramov, born in a village in the Azov region, tries to return to his conquered birthplace and the people he once considered his own, through the fragments of his memory and identity.
Le journaliste et écrivain russophone Ivan Avramov, né dans un village de la région d’Azov, tente de retourner dans son lieu de naissance conquis et auprès des personnes qu’il considérait autrefois comme les siennes, à travers les fragments de sa mémoire et de son identité.
Der russischsprachige Journalist und Schriftsteller Ivan Avramov, geboren in einem Dorf in der Region Asow, versucht, in seinen eroberten Geburtsort und zu den Menschen zurückzukehren, die er einst als die Seinen betrachtete, durch die Fragmente seiner Erinnerung und Identität.




He studied Political Science and Public Administration at the Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in Mass Media, and attended directing courses at the Stavrakos School. He holds a master’s degree in Human Geography from the University of the Aegean. He earned his doctorate in Human Geography from Harokopio University.
Some of his specific research fields include Body and Space in Cinema, Spatial Representations, and Identity Formation. His doctoral dissertation is titled “Routes of Identity: Vulnerable Bodies, Fluid Spatial Realities, and Conditions of Entrapment: Urban enclaves, hubs, and shelters for patients, refugees, migrants, and urban nomads.”
Scientific and Other Affiliations
He is a member of the International Academy of Social Sciences, based in Florida, USA. He is an advisory member of the Journalists and Writers Foundation, a global partner of the UN, based in New York.